Friday, October 22, 2010

Amazing New Wishboxes Give Tootastic Surprises!!!

The all new Wishboxes contain some Tootastic surprises!

These Wishboxes are POPPING-UP all over Tootsville. The first one to find them gets the surprise! They are always on the move and each time they appear, they give a different prize.
So keep your eyes peeled, move fast and make some noise!

Oh and watch out for the new Shadowboxes. These creepy creations will give out some unique items but they may also take your take a chance if you dare!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Capes and Cowls is NOW OPEN!

Ok everybody Capes and Cowls is NOW OPEN! SuperWorlds latest and greatest store is Tootally Amazing. Over 100 new items and costumes, just in time for halloween! The Mayor had a countdown today and the doors were flooded. So check it out and get ready for the big costume contest this weekend...Make Some Noise!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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