Thursday, April 8, 2010

Contest Winners

Last month on the Mayor's blog, there was a contest to see if all you tooterific toots knew the answer to the following questions:
1.What does the "M" "C" stand for in Lil MC?
2. What is the name of Shade's rat called?

Tootalations to Pufflegirl126 for being the first to answer question #1 correctly.
It is Madison Colby. Puffle girl126 will receive a Moo plush autographed by the
Mayor of tootsville.

Our second winner is greendayxO. For being the first to answer question #2 correctly.
GreendayxO will received an authentic signed illustration of Shade rat Nevermind.

Stay tuned for tooterific contest on

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tootsville is MIne!

Holy Toots! Shade attacks Tootsville and I quote "Tootsville is mine!"
Shade made his promises a reality by taking over Tootsville. Reports
have been coming all over the Tootiverse about strange and unexpected

The Mayor is missing and all of today's activities have been canceled.

And now a word from our NEW MAYOR.....
"This is Mayor Shade . Tootsville is MINE, MINE, MINE!" hahahahaha

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