Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tootsville Construction

Hey My Tootastic Toots!

Check out Toots Square and you will see that we have been busy with
new construction. So be sure to grab your hammer, because you never
know who will be asked to help.
This week will be a VERY active week in Tootsville, as new items will
be popping up all over. Keep checking back for more updates.

Those of you who saw my battle with Shade this past weekend, watched
as our powers cancelled each others out and transported us both out
of Toots Square.
Not to worry... I am back and building my energy to rid us of Shade
once and for all.

1 comment:

  1. its gonna be a very ''active week'' huh. do you mean the Shade & his Shadows VS. Mayor & his toot troop battle? lolol this is gonna be fffuunnn (:


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