These are some ALL ACCESS pass items that will let you into some OFF LIMITS AREAS! One is the TootTroop DNA Detector and the other is the Eye of Shadows...Muuahhahha!
This week the Message Bots and ShadowMail will start to appear throughout Tootsville. If you follow them, they will lead you to some really cool stuff!

Tootsville is buzzing, as Toots are choosing sides! The Shadows and Toottroop are both reporting a massive surge of members to their ranks. New items have been popping up, encouraging Toots to join either side. Check out what just showed up behind TootBurger! This really cool alley has some doors in it, but they don't seem to go anywhere...YET! Wednesday night, myself and Shade are going to appoint squad and hoard leaders. If you are not the first to be selected, don't worry there will be plenty of opportunities as the teams grow.
Shade has been pretty busy on his blog, telling everyone that he will soon be taking over Tootsville! Somehow Shade... I DON'T THINK SO.